Have You Tried Hemp Oil, Yet?

hemp oil sweet pickins top coat


Have you?  Hemp oil is one of my favorite products.  It is all natural and perfect for sealing chalk or milk paint.

I recently finished a vintage china cabinet with Sweet Pickins Milk Paint in patina and sealed it with hemp oil.  The china cabinet is my new Sweet Pickins Milk Paint display in my booth at Plaza Antiques & Collectibles Mall in Lincoln Park, MI.


The best part is that hemp oil is so easy to apply and so easy to finish any piece.  Here are a bunch of salvage  spindles that I painted with Sweet Pickins Milk Paint in Window Pane.  I sanded them lightly and cleaned off all the dust.  

To finish them I applied Sweet Pickins hemp oil.  You just pour a little into a bowl or paper plate and use a paint brush to apply.

Then you let the hemp oil soak into the piece for 5-25 minutes and wipe away the excess with a lint free cloth.  You can apply 1-3 coats and let dry for two hours in between.


The piece is ready to use the next day.  Here are my spindles.  I put a bunch in an old galvanized bunch by my fireplace.  They remind my of birch logs. (Don't worry my fireplace is electric.)

I also used a few of the spindles as bases for my bottle brush trees. 

Don't they look so cute on my corbel shelf?  Want to learn how I made my shelf?  Watch my YouTube video DIY How to Make a Corbel Shelf.

Hemp oil doesn't just seal Sweet Pickins Milk Paint & DIY Paint.  It can also revive old wood and make it look like new again.  Look at this old steamer trunk I have.  I just brushed on one coat of hemp oil and wiped off the excess.  I let it sit over night.  Can you tell which part was treated with hemp oil?

And look at the wood...

Hemp oil is also food safe.  So you can use it on cutting boards, too.  Hemp oil is one of my favorite products and I always keep it on hand.  If you would like to purchase some hemp oil to try I sell it in my online store and at my booth at Plaza Antiques & Collectibles Mall.  Have you tried hemp oil, yet?


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