Quick Christmas Crafts

christas craft christmas quick christmas crafts salvage

I know it is a little early to think about Christmas, but if you are a crafter, now it the perfect time.  I don't know about you, but I sometimes find myself in a crafting rut and need to find some fresh ideas.  I have the perfect place for your to get inspired for Christmas.

This year a bunch of my creative friends collaborated to make quick Christmas crafts videos.  Every video is under 1 minute and have so many good ideas.  I am planning on trying a few of them myself.  

My quick Christmas craft is creating Salvaged Christmas Trees.  Such an easy project and great way to use up what you have.  If you need and spindles or salvage for your projects I have just listed a bunch of new items on my website under Salvage, Wood, Metal and Hardware

Here is the playlist for all of the Quick Christmas Crafts.  I hope you are inspired.

Now get out there to salvage, repurpose & create!


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